Dog Tags

MyFamily dog ​​tags: MyFamily is a purebred family business located in the one and only Jewelers town of Valenza in Italy. Before the founders of MyFamily started making these beautiful MyFamily quality dog ​​tags, they were active in the jewelry world with the manufacture of gold jewelry.

MyFamily has knowledge in the field, with an eye for quality, detail and good taste for beautiful MyFamily tokens. The MyFamily dog ​​tags originated from the idea that the dog tag can be beautiful, unique and personalized in addition to being very useful and safe for your dog. .

In addition, the MyFamily dog ​​tag is the fastest and safest way to get your four-legged friend safely back to your home in case of loss. A good MyFamily ID-Tag is fundamental for the safety of your dog, in case of loss the finder of your dog can contact you directly via the MyFamily dog ​​tag.