Deli Nature  bird seeds - 62 Parrots Breeding -  15 kg
Deli Nature bird seeds - 62 Parrots Breeding - 15 kg
Parrot breeding 62 is the tasty mixture for all species of parrots and with cedar nuts and pumpkin seeds.


15,200 KG

€ 28,75
Price per unit
Parrot Breeding Number 62 von Deli Nature ist eine ideale Zuchtmischung für alle Papageienarten mit Zedernüssen und Kürbiskernen.
  • Is an ideal breeding mix for all species of parrots with cedar nuts and pumpkin seeds.
Sunflower seeds striped, buckwheat, kemp seed, oat spiked, sunflower seeds white, cardy, millet white, white seed, paddy rice, wheat, cedar nuts, linseed, dari/sorgho white, sorghum red, pumpkin seeds