Dac Pharma - Superelixir 4 Plus - 1L
Dac Pharma - Superelixir 4 Plus - 1L
Het enige elixer dat zich 4+ mag noemen!


3,000 KG

€ 19,95
Price per unit
The only elixir that can call itself 4+!

Composition: Garlic 5%, Seaweed 7.5%, Brewer's yeast 7.5%, Vitamins B-compex 0.1%, Vitamin C, E, PP 2%, Amino acids 4%, Minerals 0.12%, Herbs 10%, Apple cider vinegar 100%.

    Increases resistance and helps prevent infections.
    Contains much needed vitamins.
    Provides many building blocks for building the springs.
    Ensures that the birds quickly get back into shape after the flights.
    This makes super elixir 4+ a product that can be given all year round.

Use:– 1 cap on 2 liters of water

NB!! This product is not intended for use on food-producing animals!