500 ml DHP Aktief IJzer Tonicum
500 ml DHP Aktief IJzer Tonicum
Aktief IJzer is an essential component for the substance hemoglobin which ensures that the red blood cells can transport sufficient oxygen to all parts of the pigeon body.


0,600 KG

€ 19,75
Price per unit
Aktief IJzer
To prevent shortages.

Active Iron is an essential component for the substance hemoglobin which ensures that the red blood cells can transport sufficient oxygen to all parts of the pigeon body. This is of course of great importance in times of higher physical exertion during the racing season, the breeding period and during the moulting period. In young pigeons, iron deficiency in the growth is one of the most common problems, resulting in a shortage of hemoglobin and a deficient metabolism. During work, a carrier pigeon gets her needed energy from fat changes, to make this available a carrier pigeon needs a lot of oxygen, hence the great importance of sufficient hemoglobin concentration in the blood. Even the eye-healthy pigeon will become significantly fitter through regular use of Active Iron. An established fact is that old pigeons can only provide 10% of the iron requirement themselves.

5 ml each week during the breeding. in 1 ltr. drinking water or about the feed of 25 pigeons. 2 ml. 3 weeks per week 2 weeks before the start of the racing season. in 1 ltr. drinking water. As a cure 10 ml on 1 ltr. drinking water for 10 days Composition: Iron lucconate, copper, vit. B2, B6, B12 and C, Folic acid, dextrose, extract myrtillus.

Active iron is available in bottles of 500 ml.