Phyto regulates the fluid balance and therefore plays a very important role for the health and performance of the pigeon.


0,600 KG

€ 17,00
Price per unit
Plant extracts and ballast substances (thickeners) To regulate the fluid balance in the stomach and intestinal area

Plant extracts The regulation of the moisture balance plays a very important role for the health and the performance of the pigeon. Excessive loss of moisture can cause vital nutrients and minerals to flow out of the body and thereby weaken the animal.

Perfect manure (round balls) is always a confirmation of excellent health. A series of plant extracts and thickeners possess exactly the right properties to properly regulate the moisture balance.

The mixture of plant extracts and thickeners present in Phyto, such as Chicoreei, Johannisbroodboom pulp and apple-pectin, is capable of regulating the fluid balance in the entire stomach and intestinal area. Furthermore, it limits the symptoms of poor manure. When using Phyto you can achieve an extremely improved fertilizer image of the animals in a short time. The enrichment with this product is therefore highly recommended in the event of poor manure or occasional occurrence of thin or watery stools.

Very recommendable is the regular application of Phyto where this serves to dry the feed in the rearing phase. The youngsters are developing well and the manure around the nest is always fantastic.