Vanrobaeys BronchoStar 500 ml
Vanrobaeys BronchoStar 500 ml
BronchoStar is a kruidensap that supports breathing, promotes appetite and strengthens the natural immune system.


1,100 KG

€ 17,22
Price per unit
To activate the immune system and support the respiratory tract.

Respiratory Tract infections are among the most common conditions of the pigeon during travel time. It is Usually an infection of the upper respiratory tract (nose, sinuses, pharynx and larynx) or an infection of the lower airways (trachea and trachea) that nowadays can be endoscopic quickly from each other Distinguished in practices specializing in pigeons. Usually the performance decreases from the 5th race and this can be difficult to pick up by the end of the season. Prevention is the message and therefore the preservation of the natural resistance of the airway system is very important.

BronchoStar is a kruidensap that supports breathing, promotes appetite and strengthens the natural immune system.

By adding different herbs (thyme, anise, eucalypthus, plantain,...) prevents BronchoStar inflammation of the airways & lungs, restored the natural mucous lining in the throat & Works anti-bacterial. BronchoStar contains Ginsing that, from the lungs, produces extra energy through the red blood cells in the pigeon's Li-Chaamscellen.

During Flight period: 10ml/kg pigeons enter 2 days in the beginning of the week.
In Winter: 10ml/1kg pigeons run 3 days a week.

As a binding agent for all other Star powder products.

    Breathe Better
    Respiratory Protection
    Supported Natural mucous lining
    To prevent constipation nasal & mucus formation


< 0.2% Crude fat
    0.5% Crude protein
    < 0.1% Crude Fibre
    1.08% Raw Ash
    448MG/kg Sodium
    0, 02g/kg Lysine
    < 0, 02g/kg Methionine