BLT - Bio Lugecol
BLT - Bio Lugecol
BLT electrolytes is a high-quality energy-increasing powder to provide extra energy for greater endurance or faster recovery after a competition.


1,100 KG

€ 12,00
Price per unit
A high-quality energy-increasing powder consisting of vitamins, trace elements and essential amino acids.
Gives the pigeons the extra energy they need for, among other things, longer endurance or quick recovery after the race.

Water-soluble powder based on electrolytes and glucose.
Gives immediate energy for a quick recovery because it immediately replenishes shortages.
To stabilize the water and electrolyte balance in pigeons after a heavy effort.

Day before basketing, for retaining moisture. When returning home from a competition.
Ao with pigeons that show a lot of search and cock behavior outside the loft.
During the breeding period, 2 consecutive days
Increasing fitness: 1 tablespoon per liter of drinking water 1 to 2x a week.

25 grams / 1 liter of water
During 2 - 3 days

Method of administration:
To dissolve in (lukewarm) water.

Cool and dry in a dark place.

Glucose anhydrate 712.8 mg
Sodium chloride 152 mg
Sodium bicarbonate 117.6 mg
Potassium chloride 17.6 mg
Vitamin C 800 mg
Vitamin E 1,500 mg

Analitic components:
Crude protein 0%
Crude fat 0.2%
Raw ash 16%
Crude fiber 0%
Sodium 9.2%
Potassium 1.9%
Chloride 10.8%